
Block Diagram#

(to be updated as we actually work on the thing)

digraph { rankdir=LR subgraph cluster_io { label="io module" io eeglab[label="eeglab"] nwb eeglab -> io nwb -> io } subgraph cluster_models { rankdir="TB" label="models" model sleep eeg_timeseries sleep_stages model -> sleep sleep -> eeg_timeseries sleep -> sleep_stages } subgraph cluster_analysis { label="analysis" analysis random_forest analysis -> random_forest } subgraph cluster_viz { label="Visualization" viz classification_plot viz -> classification_plot } io -> model analysis -> viz model -> analysis }

Desired functionality#


Analyzing sleep data! Specifically, automatically assigning sleep phases from eeg recordings

Understand how memory consolidation is affected by sleep


  • i/o

  • Analysis

    • Detect sharp wave ripples

    • Analyze sharp wave ripples as it relates to low-dimensional neural manifolds